NCSC Orientation 2022
-The orientation was an amalgamation of smiles and laughter amid a cartoon theme that both decor and member costumes followed, but not devoid of learning and selflessness, for that is what NCSC is all about.
The event started with the Holy Name of Allah, followed by an introduction to NCSC’s aims and objectives. Then, the Faculty Sponsor welcomed the new recruits and emphasized on key aspects of the club. NCSC’s projects and events were fleshed out so that members could be fully aware of the forms of service they could contribute to. The current and previous Office Bearers offered insight into their own experiences, after which they received souvenirs. The new directorate, too, was rewarded with souvenirs.
With the formal proceedings over, the orientation then transitioned to fun and entertainment: games, musical performances by the NUST Music Society, the cake cutting ceremony, and finally, dinner sponsored by Granny’s Tandoori.