Department of Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering is the oldest and broadest field of engineering which combines skills with a wide range of engineering technologies in designing of components and systems. Mechanical Engineering department is an integral part of SMME with Sixteen PhDs educated from reputed international and national universities and around two hundred and thirty undergraduate students and twenty five postgraduate students. The mission of the mechanical engineering program is to provide students with the fundamental knowledge, skills and professional experience necessary for successful careers in industrial or academic roles. The department of Mechanical Engineering provides excellent platform for young students to study and perform in challenging environment. The department is equipped with almost all laboratory equipment necessary for undergraduate and postgraduate studies in the area of mechanical design and thermo-fluids. The department will soon tie its coordination with our newly developed Manufacturing Resource Center (MRC). MRC is expected to have a large number of manufacturing facilities where the ideas of the young students and researchers may be transformed into reality. The curriculum is designed to meet challenges forced by the industry and expectations of the modern corporate world. Due to excellent academic record in the last couple of years, the department is receiving huge number of applications for admission at undergraduate and postgraduate levels every year. MS & PhD program at the department of Mechanical Engineering commenced in 2011.

Head of Department Message
Dr Mian Ashfaq Ali
Mechanical Engineering, one of the oldest of Engineering fields, involves the application of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and other allied disciplines to the design, manufacturing and maintenance of mechanical systems in an environment friendly manner. The Department of Mechanical Engineering at SMMENUST aspires to become a supplier of high quality technical resource in the country and abroad. In addition to the devoted faculty and state of the art labs, the Mechanical Engineering programme prides itself in establishing and nurturing a continuous Academia – Industry collaboration. For this purpose, regular exchange of ideas takes place with representatives of the industry and their recommendations are implemented. This has resulted in our graduates to be better prepared to meet the real life challenges of the industrial world. This is what makes us unique. Another challenge that we are trying to address is the change in student mindset – from job seeker to job provider. This is being accomplished through a phased programme of encouraging entrepreneurial activities both within and outside the campus. Our students and faculty have won laurels both at the National as well as at the International level. A well regulated industrial internship programme and assigning real life projects in subjects like Entrepreneurship, Project Management, Manufacturing processes etc., are strong enablers in this direction. Final year projects too, provide an opportunity to the student, to integrate and apply his or her knowledge of the diverse Mechanical Engineering principles learnt during the course of their study. Our educational mission is to provide students with the functional knowledge, skills and professional experience by imparting high quality education for successful careers in industry & academia.
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